2 min readJan 10, 2022



Have you ever wondered why you place yourself around the people that you do? I do. All the fucking time. It’s like it’s a test that’s made myself. All these people around you that just don’t get you. They see you as just another human being. Nothing more, nothing less. Maybe that’s the price we pay for wanting people in our lives, but at the end of the day we end up disrespecting ourselves. Making ourselves weaker. No, change that. Making ourselves stronger. You start seeing things in different perspectives. You start realizing you want to be alone to work on yourself and your career. But again, nobody understands this. You’re an alien in a room full of people that mistake you for one of them. I like being an alien. I embrace it. That’s what separates us. That is what makes me want more. Strive for more. Become more. I’ve always been held down. Trapped like an animal in a cage ready to be tested on. Pricked and prodded at every second to see what happens. You start getting used to it. Like you’re becoming an octopus and you start blending in to survive your environment. You start losing yourself. Becoming what society wants you to be. Social interactions were never my strong suit. I’ve never blended in. Nobody ever really liked me. They seen I had things they wanted and they tried to drain it from me. Like taking blood from a human to give to another. People see me as weak, but they have no idea. The power that hides within me is terrifying to them. That’s why they bind me down, so they can get what they want out of me, which, in time, makes me end up like them, not doing anything good with life. I don’t want to do the same things in my day to day. I want to be courageous, adventurous, and spontaneous. I want to travel the world, see new things, own business’, find people like me, and truly have a fun and fulfilling life. I heard a quote before, I can’t remember where I heard it from but it goes like this…”There are two types of people born in every hospital. There are people who work for other people and there are people who have other people work for them.”. I never liked the idea of working for other people, working a 9–5 to barely make ends meet, living pay check to paycheck just to never get anything done, never make enough to even buy a house or a new car. You see, I’m twenty-one. I’ve always felt as if I was more mature than the people around me. I’ve only been to one party, I hate drinking, I only ever had one true friend and that no longer exists, all I do is work and work on my hobbies. I dream, I think. I wanted a job at fifteen. While every else is hanging out, laughing and getting along I’m drawing, reading, writing or even trying to learn about new things. I’m working on things that I enjoy rather than what everyone else enjoys.




While you're focused on me, I'm focused on my dreams.